Monday, September 24, 2007

Tips internet lebih lancar via GPRS

Tips ini berlaku utk akses GPRS dengan Handphone Nokia Symbian S60 (6600, 7610, N70, N73, dll) caranya: install Opera Mini. Lalu browsing seperti biasa. Jika aksesnya terlalu lambat, pilih "stop" kemudian tekan tombol "menu" atau tombol "merah/tutup panggilan" lalu coba cek pulsa anda. Lalu kembali ke Opera Mini dan Browsing Ulang. Selamat Mencoba!

Newer doesn't mean Better

Newest Microsoft's Operating System, Vista still less popular than Windows XP until now. Vista, an Operating System with high resource hunger.
If you own old pentium class CPU, it's better if you use older Operating System. Windows 2000 is a good choice. You can install it on Pentium 133 with 64 MB memory.